
SOLD 8/20/18 Honda CB750K0 Speedometer New 5238

Regular price $356.00
Regular price Sale price $356.00
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I got this in a bunch of new parts I bought.  It was in a factory type box  marked 1969 CB750 Four NOS.  However, I see several different "sandcast" speedometers on Ebay, and many of them look different.  So where the truth lies regarding 1969 speedometers is up to question.
What I can tell you is that it is brand new., including wiring harness which is factory taped. The chrome on the rear is perfect and shiny.  I have lots of pictures for you to look at.
I used to work for US Suzuki in Ohio. Some NOS parts showing up on Ebay were discarded and replaced by dealers because they didn't work.  The tech reps were supposed to bust them  up, before throwing them away, but in some cases they didn't do so, and just kept the parts.  So be careful NOS is no guarantee a speedometer actually works.
However, in this case,  It has been tested with a drill and cable, you can see in the pictures that it was run at differing speeds.
Feel free to email me with questions