
Sold Ebay 9/20/23 Honda XL185 XR185 OEM Carburetor sku 5831

Regular price $100.00
Regular price Sale price $100.00
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I took this from a stock XL185 that I was taking to Colorado in 2016.  I didn't want to mess with the carbs original jetting, so I put another carburetor with leaner jetting on the bike and took it to Colorado and it ran great.  When I came back I found that it also ran great at my elevation of 700 feet and didn't foul plugs.  I sold the bike long ago.  This carburetor is so clean inside you could drink water out of the float bowl.  Slide moves easily and spring is strong, floats are clean as a whistle.   Keihin Marked PD 13BSC7